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Remote System Hacking - By USB

Hack PC by Using A USB.

Today we are going to do a remote hacking using a malicious file created in Backtrack,All then you will have to do is Plug in the USB,wait for 5 seconds,and plug it out,Then you will have control over the victim PC.This trick created a Mass Panic in Pentagon as it hacked most of their PC.Hack PC's on your School or University and have Fun.
Don't Abuse this Trick.You are responsible for your actions.

What Do We Need ?

#Backtrack 5
#Vulnerable Software On Victim PC,(read below)
#Physical Access For 10 Seconds.
#Patience and Brains.

Creating The Malicious Batch File :

#Step 1 -

Open Backtrack,Go to The Social Engineering Toolkit by entering the below commands in Konsole :
cd /pentest/exploits/set

#Step 2 -

Select the Social-Engineering Attacks by entering 1.

#Step 3 -

Select Infectious Media Generator by selecting inserting 3,This option will help you create an autorun.nf file that will hack the vulnerable software.

#Step 4 -

Select 1st option,This will help you to select a specific software to exploit.

#Step 5 -

Now a list comes up with name of software's to exploit,this is the real deal.Now select the software you know is running on Victim Machine/'s,Adobe Reader and Microsoft Word is the most common software's used in school,so i will select option 11.

#Step 6 -

Now you have two options,Get a pc-generated blank pdf file or create your own,We'll select to create our own file,Now enter the path to pdf file  as /home/exam-sheet.pdf .The file name as exam-sheet.pdf 
(EVIL LAUGH,Cause i'm going to attack school) you can set another file name.

#Step 7 -

Now select option 2 for windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.

#Step 8 -

Now you need to insert the IP Address for listener,Listener is another term for attacker,Insert your Public IP address (or internal IP address if you are hacking a PC on your LAN),and port as 80,then Press enter.

#Step 9 -

Here we need to edit the autorun.inf  file. Go to the directory of autorun where our both files : payload file & autorun file are located.
follow the following steps to edit & rename our files :
#open new terminal and type :
            ls -al /pentest/exploits/set/autorun/ 
we can see two files here one is autorun file and other is template.
#Now go to the directory:
         cd /pentest/exploits/set/autorun
.#Type "nano autorun.inf" (it will open a nano editor for editing autorun.inf file.Here give the name of your file which you want to open by plugin the USB here.For me,i Insert the name exam-sheet.pdf)
#Copy these both files on the USB drive.

#Step 10 -

Keep the attacker computer running,and when you will plug-in the USB drive in your victim PC,you will have a meterpereter season opened on your (attacker) Computer.Now you can steal files,commence a remote shutdown and much more.
YiPPiE !!!

Side Tip : Disable the antivirus on the victim pc if you get the chance,that will ease things up a little bit.

So Did it worked for you ? Yes/No ? Or spotted an mistake made by me ? Just write down on the comment section BELOW and i'll get back to you.

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