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Things You Should Know Before You Download Free Registry Cleaner

by: Arvind Singh

You would be tempted to see the offers for download free registry cleaner. Attractive it is. However, before you download free registry cleaner, understand what a registry cleaner is and how you should use one.

The registry is the heart of your computer. This is where your system stores all the information about your computer – what your software and hardware settings are, and everything about the system configuration. The Windows uses this information to operate. With time, as and when you install and uninstall new software and other components, the older, unnecessary, and incorrect records keep on accumulating in the registry thereby slowing down the system speed. A Window registry cleaner removes all these extra records, trimming down your registry, and speeding up the complete system.

In addition to old records that are not required, the registry is also a home to a plethora of viruses, Spyware, keyloggers, Trojan, and the like that manipulate the whole system, leading to system errors and much more.

Using a Window Registry Cleaner

The most important and critical element to any operating system from Microsoft is its registry, and you require a certain level of knowledge to use a registry cleaner. This is what you should know:

The frequency with which you should use your registry cleaner depends on the frequency of your changes in the system. You would not face much of a problem with your newly installed computer. If you frequently install and uninstall your software, you need to clean your registry frequently. It depends on how often you install and uninstall photo and graphics software, games, drivers, anti-virus, and anti-spyware software, among other installations.

Do you install components while browsing on the net? Do you often change the system configuration? Do you often change your hardware, printer, your monitor, and the like? Depending on these changes, you need to use your registry cleaner daily, weekly, monthly, or less frequently.

One registry cleaner does not necessarily clean the same way as the next one. A cleaner that finds more problems is not necessarily the better one. Certain cleaners, if they are not sure about the registry record, try to find out if it is important, instead of just deleting it. This results in a better computer performance.

Certain cleaners may search deep and show more problem records. There is every chance that the good records may get thrown out with the bad ones. This is the reason why you need to install a full version of the registry cleaner from a reputed vendor.

A registry cleaner does a great job of removing incorrect and useless data from the registry, and enhances the performance of your computer.

Now that you have all the required information about the role and advantages of Window registry cleaner, you can go ahead and download free registry cleaner for your computer. PC Mantra offers free download of registry cleaner for a trial version and offers a full version with added features and functionality.

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