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Computer Repair Prices: A Complete Price

by: Joshua Feinberg

Computer repair prices are fixed before you ever start a consulting job. Be sure to think about every aspect of the work you will complete before setting computer repair prices, and that these prices include every expectation of your customer.

The Main Factor Of A Complete Price

There is nothing more irritating than finding a computer or other technology item at the right price only to find out there is something you need that is not included. This is the definition of incomplete pricing, and as a computer repair specialist, you want to avoid it. Incomplete pricing will anger your customers and make them feel cheated.

Provide Extras

When you add something special to your computer repair prices as a bonus to your customer, your customer will feel good about the services you provide. Services like a free check-up visit post-repair will make the client feel he is getting a good deal. You should also make follow-up phone calls to add to your company's reputation and feed word of mouth.

Provide Details

Even before you do any repair work you should give your client a written estimate. The estimate must include computer repair prices and exactly what is included service-wise. Any changes you make need to be brought to the client before they are implemented in order to create a good relationship and encourage future business.

Computer Repair Prices And Reassessment

You should keep reviewing computer repair prices frequently as your business continues to grow. Make sure your fees include items such as travel costs or materials, or you create those as a separate item when appropriate.

You should also consider making changes in your pricing if you ever notice customers are regularly confused. You should address computer repair price issues even if only a few clients seem concerned. Every client is important, and all should feel they are getting a fair and honest deal. Good feedback brings good referrals, which equals future business and your company's growth.

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