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A Quick Guide on it Security

By: Lorabella

We have all used the excuse of a PC crash and virus attack, perhaps even more than its fair share to avoid working, giving in projects on time and missing deadlines. Many a times it is really just an excuse, but for many, it has posed actual problems causing loss of important and often irreplaceable data. How many times have you wanted to kick yourself for not bothering to get a good anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall because thanks to it you ended up re-doing presentations. And doesn’t the loss of all your favourite videos, the pictures of your last holiday, and your best songs stored on your PC, make you wish that you had been more careful, and at least made back-ups? And if all this sounds familiar to you, and brings back unpleasant memories of computer crashes or irritating pop-ups or worse, your email and Facebook accounts being hacked, then it is time to sit up and pay attention.

The world of IT security has many dedicated professionals who work on developing new and safer anti-virus, anti-spyware, pop-up blockers and other software to protect your PC from hacking, virus attacks and in the worst case scenario - crashes. The importance of IT security has been acknowledged by one and all today. If you believe that only government or top-secret websites, or those who use net-banking and online purchase facilities need good IT security software, then it is time for a reality check. Don’t we all get spam mail all the time, and often, even if advertently end up clicking on some random link, or visiting potentially damaging sites and put our PCs to risk? It is not only people who give out personal information like credit card numbers, or bank account numbers online who need IT security, but anybody and everybody who has access to a PC with Internet. Spyware, malware and viruses are all risks that plague every PC, and often without even us knowing about them.

Many of us avoid buying original and authentic anti-virus and spyware programs, and try and make do with the free, easy to download versions online. However, what we forget is that these are generally trial versions that offer to scan your PC and alert you about potential threats but do not in any way get rid of them. Though buying an anti-virus CD will make you shell out a few bucks, but it is definitely worth the effort. The surety that you will not face computer crashes that are almost a matter of life and death for many, and have your personal emails hacked is worth each and every penny. With so many anti-virus and anti-spywares available today, there is really no excuse if you still end up having IT security issues.

Investing in a good and safe anti-virus would be the first step if you want to make your PC safe and secure against potential IT security issues. Anti-Spyware and malware lodge themselves in your PC and monitor your online activities and give away important personal information to hackers. In fact, not bothering about IT security is tantamount to throwing the field open for hackers to hack your emails and accounts. Pop-ups, are again something we all agree are irritating beyond a shred of doubt, but more than just that they are links to potentially damaging sites and spyware and an open invitation to security problems. A good pop-up blocker, available online (most of them are free of cost) would also be a wise decision.

The world of IT security offers solutions to all your PC safety and security problems, and to think that you could be least bothered by it is the worst thing you could do to your PC and your online activities.

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