Kickstarter, AKA The World's largest crowd-funding platform has given funding to almost 50,000 creative projects. With the help of more than 5 million donators, The site is a Mecca for new developers. The site was launched on April 28, 2009 (April 28,Which is also my birthday) and quickly gain its spot for being the biggest Funding site. The New York Times named it the Best Website of 2011. According to some reports, As of 2015, Kickstarter has raised almost $70 million funding from backer.

Circuit Scribe is no doubt the Best Kickstarter project of 2015, Developed by Electroninks Incorporated, The Circuit Scribe is just a pen that can draw electric circuits on a paper using a water-based and non-toxic silver ink, which makes it perfect for classroom and educational use. The Circuit Scribe is a death sentence for Breadboards, As it is much easier to deploy and costs just as half. Also why we ranked it number one because of the packaging, The Circuit Scribe comes with 2 LED Boards, 2 Coin Batteries, 5 Resistors, 2 Capacitors, 1 Slide Switch And some jumper Stickers, All For 30$ ! The goal was for $85,000 but it has raised $674,425.
1Sheeld is the ultimate project for Arduino Fans, As it acts like a bridge between your Arduino and Smartphone Sensors. The Project went online and smashed its fundraising goal in a few hours. 1Sheed is connected to a mobile app that allow the usage of all of Android smartphones' capabilities such as LCD Screen, Gyroscope, Switches, LEDs, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, GSM, Wi-Fi, GPS etc. into your Arduino sketch. It consists of two parts. The first part is a shield that is physically connected to the Arduino board and acts as a Wireless middle-man, sharing data between Arduino and any Android smartphone via Bluetooth. The second part is a software platform and app on Android smartphones that manages the communication between the shield and the smartphone.The initial pledge was of $10,000 and it made $85,210. The 1Sheeld is priced at $50 and pre-booking is in process.
3 : Udoo : Super Mini-Computer :

Udoo is a mini PC that could run either Android or Linux, with an Arduino-compatible board embedded. It is an open hardware, low-cost computer equipped with an ARM i.MX6 Freescale processor for Android and Linux, alongside Arduino DUE’s ARM SAM3X, both CPU integrated on the same board ! In theory Udoo has the combined power of 4xRaspberry Pi and 1xArduino Duo.
It runs Android ICS and Linux pretty smoothly. It broke the initial pledge of $27,000 smoothly and in the end it had raised $641,614.
For $129 you get an Udoo with WiFi, Ethernet, HDMI, Mini USB and Much More.
4 : Spark Core : WiFi For Everything :

The Spark Core is an Arduino-compatible, Wi-Fi enabled, cloud-powered development platform that makes creating internet-connected hardware a breeze. Basically its a WiFi chip that could be connected to almost every device to make almost anything. Spark Core contains 72 MHz ARM Cortex M3, the best Wi-Fi module on the market, wireless programming, and lots of pin outs and peripherals, Which means it could be easily connected to any Arduino board. With Arduino And Sparkcore, You can make RC Car, Wireless motion Detector and many more. It can also be programmed OTA. The original pledge of $10,000 was broken in a couple of weeks and the raised value was $567,968. The Little Spark Core is available for $40 and is a must buy for DIY Lovers.
5 : Pebble : E-Paper Watch For iPhone :

The most successful and famous Kickstarter project 'Pebble' gains 5th Rank in our list. The smart-watch might be the only project that raised 1Million Dollars in 28 Hours. Pebble is a customizable, water resistance watch that can be connected to iOS and Android systems. The watch has a 1.26-inch 144 × 168 pixel black and white e-paper display using an ultra low-power "transflective LCD" manufactured by Sharp with a backlight, a vibrating motor, a magnetometer, ambient light sensors and a three-axis accelerometer. It can communicate with an Android or iOS device using Bluetooth 2.1 and includes support for Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy) for a later update when more phones support it. Pebble is also undergoing a deal between IFTTT to send and receive alert OTA.
Kickstarter Link 6 : Oculus Rift : Take 3D gaming to the next level !

Oculus Rift is a new virtual reality (VR) headset designed specifically for video games that will change the way you think about gaming forever. This gadget earned number 6 on our list because of being unique. With an incredibly wide field of view, high resolution display, and ultra-low latency head tracking, the Rift provides a truly immersive experience that allows you to step inside your favorite game and explore new worlds like never before. This not-so-small gadget got many awards including 'Game Critics Award'.
You can get the Oculus Development Kit for around 300 USD on their site, and if you are a die hard gamer, then this is your piece of heaven !
7 : LIFX : Light Bulb Re-Invented :

LIFX is wifi-enabled, energy efficient, multi-colored bulb that you control with your iPhone or Android. LIFX gives you unprecedented control of your lights, reduces your energy costs, and has an average life of 25 year.

You can get the base model of LIFX at 99$ with free shipping on their official site.
Here is the Link :
Official Site8 : Revolights : Ultimate Gift for Bicycle Lovers :
Revolights could finally be a solution to the problem of bicycle visibility, both for motor vehicle users and cyclists themselves. The lights themselves are two very thin LED rings that mount onto the inside of your wheels. A thin wire connects this light ring to a small USB battery whilst a magnet provides the speed and orientation information to the LEDs, which keep time with your pace to light up at the back and front of the bike. Also it is un-steal-able as they can only be installed or removed when the wheels are removed, it would practically be easy to steal the whole bike !
The revolights smashed the 43,500$ goal easily and made $215,621 in total.
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