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Resolving ATI Drivers Installation Problems

By: Logan Albright

ATI is a company that is well known for providing entry-level graphics solutions to many PCs sold all over the world and they are also quite renowned for working with motherboard manufacturers to produce some of the best motherboards out there. But of course, we all know that within the graphics industry, ATI is one of the leading brands out there, jostling for top position with NVIDIA, who arguably holds a larger market share of the consumer graphics solution. Both of these brands are well known for producing cutting edge solutions tailor made for the hard core gamer and sometimes these boards are also generations ahead of even the latest games, which make their longevity even more tantamount.

While most technological computing equipment fall prey to the evolving hyperbole which makes them last 6 months (if you are lucky) before the next better thing comes out, graphics cards have a slightly better half life in the PC casing and ATI is a great choice. However, if you have purchased an ATI graphics card, then you might be one of the few hundred thousand gamers all over the world who might have encountered some driver installation problems when tinkering around with the initial installation.

Do not worry, this is sometimes completely normal and all you need to do is read this article. While it will not resolve major issues like manufacturing errors or corrupt memory modules, some of the simple software problems and driver conflicts can be resolved by you right at home. One of the common problems of driver installation problems is that the end user, in the rush to plug in their new graphics card, has forgotten to follow procedure.

This means they would have to uninstall the old card, shut down the computer, restart to ensure that all trailing device driver and hardware profiles are no longer there, then shut down the computer again. By bypassing this process, many people have problems where the computer either refuses to recognise the new hardware or they are in a position where they list your new card under your previous card’s name, which can be quite pain.

Also, remember to update the drivers by visiting ATI’s website and downloading the latest drivers, because the ones in the box may have been sitting there for months and you might end up with conflicts and problems that already have been resolved by the new drivers.

Lastly, you must download the latest DirectX drivers that Microsoft has posted (especially if you running Windows!) because they are made to optimally use your card’s drivers to their fullest potential. You have to understand that glitches in the game and crashes are down to installation problems where new DirectX drivers are not installed.

If you follow these simple steps, you will have no problem in getting your brand new, cutting edge card in working order and you will be immersed in another world within a few moments. You do not need to lug your card back to the computer store, all it takes is just some tinkering around and everything will be in good order.

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