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1 Mobile Running 7 Operating Systems.

7 Operating System On 1 Mobile.

Yep You Read That Right.

Do you think that only New mobiles are powerful ? If yes,i'm going to Prove you wrong,I am going to Introduce you to a mobile which was launched at 19 October,2009 (yepp) and still is the most versatile,powerful,flexible mobile ever made.ANY GUESS ?

Well this Mobile Is HTC HD2,this mobile is the favourite piece of hackers all around the world.Why ? because of its top of the line CPU,A masterpiece motherboard,a screen bigger than hell,and Some Lucky Powder in its box.This mobile just Refuses to die,throw any OS on it,add a bit of tweaking and it'll run it without any lag or glitch.

Till this date,this mobile is Capable of Running :

*Windows Mobile 6.5 (native OS)
*Windows Phone 7 and 7.5
*Android (all versions except jelly bean)
*Ubuntu (yep,that computer OS)
*Windows RT.
*Windows Phone 8
need proof,Here you go -

HTC HD2 Running Ubuntu -

Ubuntu is a full Linux distribution - and it's not designed for smartphones. But with the large touchscreen, high display resolution and fast system speed of the HTC HD2 I decided to make Ubuntu easily available to HD2 end users!
This is not a secret warez ROM proprietary junk. Source code information is out on the Internet.
The Guys at xda-developers are true engineers,and this mobile is their legecy,to read about Ubuntu On HTC HD2,Click Here.

HTC HD2 Running MeeGo -

Though MeeGo died an infamous death,it was a full-fledged Linux distro, and was fully designed for mobile phones, which will make it more usable for phones than Ubuntu  It had a lot of major companies like Intel and Nokia putting a lot of money and time into developing it. It was failed because of many reasons including: not that much availability of apps,laggy performance,and a little lack of brand promotion, Although this OS looks good and has all the bells and whistles. And it rocks On HTC HD2,Follow The xda-developer thread Here.

HTC HD2 Running Windows Phone 7 -

The HD2 was the last HTC handset to run the old Windows Mobile OS which, even with HTC's excellent Sense UI on top of it, had a number of niggling problems that left our reviewer cold.Now a Chinese forum has finally figured out how to get a fully functioning version of Windows Phone 7 working on the HTC HD2. Now the xda-developers took controls are made an even better version.This is the only mobile in the history which was able to run Windows mobile 6.5 and Windows Phone 7.Follow xda-developer thread Here.

HTC HD2 Running Android -

HTC HD2 is counted in the TOP 10 list of mobile having this much android ports available.Developers are rolling out android update like crazy for HTC HD2,hell this mobile even has its own site for android firmware collection,Some people have even said that it gives better Android experience than the devices that have android as their Native OS,Developers are currently working on Android 4.2 ROM for HTS HD2.

HTC HD2 Running Windows RT -

Now this Is way too much,this mobile is being multi-talented kid for doing this thing too,Windows RT,classified as HIGH END MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEM,is running on 5 year old mobile,Now that is just over the head.Hats off to the developers/programmers for giving this gift to us.Windows RT is running Smoothly on HTC HD2,and this news has increased the life of HD2 furthermore.XDA Elite Recognized Developer Cotulla has a long track record of doing extraordinary things with Windows devices, and the HD2 is no exception. After teasing the developer world with what he called a “proof of concept” of getting Windows Phone 8 installed and running on the HD2. When developers can do anything and everything they desire to a device, we get gems like this one. When they can’t, they stop recommending the manufacturer and people stop buying.

HTC HD2 Running Windows Phone 8  -

With its 480 x 800 pixel display across 4.3 inches, users working with this build will still be seeing 217 ppi, A respectable density for a display even by today’s standards. Of course the HTC DROID DNA’s 440 is in a brand new league, but that’s beside the point. Today it’s all about the glory of getting a software working on a device for which it was never intended. Windows Phone 8.0.97 running on a Qualcomm QSD8250 Snapdragon processor with a single 1GHz Scorpion CPU and Adreno 200 graphics, we have got to wonder if the software is able to creep by at a respectable pace.

So what is next ? iOS,Blackberry OS,We don't know,We could just hope for the best.

So Did i made an spell mistake or found an error in something,don't hesitate to leave your feedback in the comment section BELOW .And answer the quiz too.

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